I am a daughter, sister, aunt, friend, wife, mother, disciple and an aspiring graphic designer.
30 December 2005
To the PG&E crew in the cherry picker (that's what they're called, right?) working on power lines. Thank You. May God bless you and protect you.
To the hundreds of other cars that drove with me or passed me going the opposite direction. I wish you safe travels. And please don't let the rain make you stupid. I've seen it happen before, I'm sure it will happen again.
To the guy who makes the rain (AKA God). Thank you for providing water to nourish the fields and the animals and us. Please be merciful in this outpouring. Protect the people in the flood plains. Protect all the drivers out there and all the workers required to work in this storm. And as we enter this holiday weekend, PLEASE keep people safe and help us all to make intelligent decisions as we celebrate and travel. Thanks.
the girl in the car with the peeling paint.
28 December 2005
Fallen Soldier

27 December 2005
I Couldn't Agree More
You Belong in Rome |
Well, except the cappuccino part (I don't drink coffee), I couldn't agree more. I LOVE ROME. Some might even say I HEART ROMA. |
25 December 2005
From Jana
Watch Out, Crime…
Stepping over a Little Debbie Snack Cake wrapper and a discarded pack of Camels, I charge down the hall and stick the key into my mailbox. Peering out at me from the other side is something from Liz. I wind up the staircase, tearing into the envelope between my hands full of keys and cell phone and bus pass. I grin, then laugh out loud at the group of girls from Bible study posed on a fire engine.
Most of the mail that has come to my Turk Street mailbox has been from Liz. But then, I muse, that makes sense, seeing as how she is my best friend. Sending cards to people was typically Liz. Also typically Liz was the idea to make the cards in the first place. “It’s perfect!” she’d explained. We all looked fabulous and were all wearing red and green; a strange coincidence for a fall day.
As I unlocked the double bolt, to my apartment, my thoughts trailed back to that fun day. Liz had invited me weeks beforehand to join her church’s September
11th commemoration day, and I had looked forward to it since. Though she had been coming to my church for nearly a year now, I had not yet made the southern trek to Hillside.
I had joined her in the makeshift folding chair pews and we greeted one another warmly, as though it had been months since our last meeting. In fact, we
had just seen each other the night before at Hope Chapel. I was not disappointed in the service, and I couldn’t help but think how my friend’s heart must have come being soaked in this church surrounding. Later on in the day, we had sat down with our pot-luck laden plates beside Aimee’s mom. After a little small talk, she had asked, “How do you know Liz?”
I thought on that as I chewed my Veggieburger, and swallowed as I gave my reply. “We met at work.” Liz took over the explanation at that point, and I took another bite, smiling at our conspiracy to answer the phones, “Transworld Systems, what’s your favorite color?”
That, of course, was the least of the good times had by Liz and Jana, the most dynamic of all duos. It had all begun one day nearly a year beforehand, when my endless requests for “something to do” had gotten me sent to the department next door. Between un-stapling and re-stapling client contracts, I discussed my upcoming trip to France with the unfamiliar co-workers around me. Liz and I chatted happily as two who knew the magical experience that Europe can bring.
From then on, work became a pleasant an experience for me. I was always curious what fun accessories Liz might be wearing for the day, whether we’d be sharing lunch together in the breakroom, or who would be the first to e-mail the other. And whenever we both had a free evening there was always the chance to catch a movie or do some window-shopping together.
Of course, I didn’t explain all of this to Aimee’s mom. Not only was my mouth too full, but I didn’t think words could really sum up our friendship. Perhaps, I thought, it just shows.
That was a great day. A great idea, I repeat to myself as I tack the festive card onto my bulletin board. A great friend. God sure knew what we needed!
Yes, meeting at Transworld was just the beginning. Many wonderful memories would follow. Sleepovers and retreats. Movies and parties. Bibles studies and home groups. Tear gas and volcanoes. Mademoiselle Incroyable and Bomb Voyage. The dynamic duo.
16 December 2005
I'm an Auntie (AGAIN)
Kathryn lives just a few blocks away with her family, but all the rest of my family lives far away. Ben lives near Portland, Oregon, and Heidi lives in Alabama, across the border from Pensacola, Florida. But their next station (her husband is in the Coast Guard) is going to be Point Reyes, so they will live nearby again next spring or summer. It will be nice to have more nieces and nephews around. And I think they will all be excited to play together.
My brother and his family will be visiting this weekend. So we get to have Christmas early! Woohoo! My mom is flying to Pensacola right before New Year's to see her newest grandson and to help my sister out while James is at school.
Ok, well, I don't have any pictures of Elijah yet, but I'm trying to load a picture of Dylan from the day he was born (about 6 weeks ago). Isn't his aunt awesome?

14 December 2005
Casa Grande High School students lost four classmates in a car accident yesterday afternoon. I drove past the wreckage about half an hour to an hour after it happened. I instantly knew, as I was driving pas,t that it was a very serious accident. And I could just feel that young people were involved. By the time I was driving past, there were at least four fire trucks, a couple of ambulances, several CHP vehicles and two REACH helicopters were landing or just landed. They had removed the top of the car by that point. No names have been released, but they say the female driver and a male passenger in the backseat died upon or soon following impact and two others died while being treated at the hospitals. The other two passengers are still in critical conditon.
Please take time to pray for the two who are still fighting to survive, the families of all the victims and their friends and fellow classmates. When I was a freshman in high school, two accidents in one weekend took the lives of three young people I had known and although I wasn't close at the time with any of them, it was very traumatic.
Please also pray for the driver of the truck that hit the car. CHP says that he had no way to avoid the accident, but I know that such an experience cannot be easily brushed aside.
Click here to read the Press Democrat coverage of this story.
God, we don't know why these young people are taken away. But we do know that you have a perfect plan, always. Please guide, comfort, protect, strengthen, instruct, support and love the families, friends, teachers and classmates of all involved. They need you now more than I can imagine. I pray that all eyes, ears and hearts would be open to you, Jesus. Be the strong tower.
In Jesus' Name,
God bless you all!