03 October 2005

And We're Off...

My plane departs tomorrow morning from San Jose International Airport. Five people from our team of nine will be on that flight (through Houston) to New Orleans. The five of us, me, Katie, Angie, Gina and Jessica, are driving down to San Jose tonight (well Angie's husband Frank is driving us) and will stay with Katie's sister tonight. It's hard to believe I am leaving already. I spent most of yesterday afternoon and today getting ready. Went to WalMart, KMart, the bank of dad (actually I wrote him a check and he gave me cash--my paycheck hadn't cleared yet). I'm still not sure what to expect. I'm a bit scared because of that. I'm not scared for my safety, or health, but I'm scared because I know that God is going to show me some really intense things. I'm excited though, because all I hear from other teams is that Jesus is visible and spreading there. Please pray for me. Our team will be posting audio blogs at www.UGO4GOD.blogspot.com. Go there and see (or hear) what we and other groups are doing. I expect to take lots of pictures too so I hope to share them with you when I get back. Love you all.


Just a girl.... said...

I love you! I'm praying for all of you!

jimmy said...

Godspeed Liz!

UGO4GOD said...

Dear Jesus, protect Liz and her team, keep them safe and strong. Lord I thank you in advance of all the divine appointments you have for them. Reveal to Liz the fruit of all her labor here in Santa Rosa and give her boldness, God, to serve for your Glory! Thank you for her relationship with you and others, let her light shine! AMEN