13 February 2005


But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.
John 4:23

"...Pray for God to transform casual inquirers into passionate worshipers....Pray that the Father would gather and grow a generation of full-hearted worshipers in our city" (Seek God for the City 2005: Prayers of Biblical Hope) This is from a devotional for Lent, that I just started.

Tonight at my church, we had a "Feast of Lights." A family from our church provided an excellent dinner and a karaoke night. It was great fun and interesting, to say the least. By the end of the evening the girls in my bible study (13-15 year olds) and I were groovin' (dancing) to the music. When I got home, I thought to myself, "If we can dance and giggle and just have a grand old time with all this secular music, what keeps us from doing the same with the songs that we sing to God?" Sure, I will lift my hands when I am moved. And I will close my eyes and whatever, and at Kids Camps I will even jump around and do hand motions, but I know I am urged to do more. I should be worshipping with my whole body. I know there are times when I just feel like I should spin around in circles or move to the music, or even get on my knees or just fall face down before Him, but I don't. Why not? I think there are many reasons. Here are a few:
  • Nobody else is doing it, I'm going to stand out and may even look stupid.
  • I've never done it before, it is unfamiliar to me.

Whatever the reason, what I really need to do, is get over it, and let God lead me to Him.


Lord, God, I pray that you would take away the thoughts of possible embarrassment, and unfamiliarity, and just lead me to a place of pure and honest worship with you. Let me not be concerned with others thoughts but of your glory. I "rock out" in my car, but let me be undone at ALL times in front of you. And I pray Lord, that I would not do such things so that others might think I am Holy, but so that you are praised and glorified and worshiped. You alone are worthy of our worship. I love you, God.



Anonymous said...

You know what I would love to do Liz? Blindfold every person that walks through the doors at church and then say, "Worship as God leads you." I think worship would be very very different. I wish we all weren't so obsessed with what others think. And on the flip side I wish some people could keep their opinions to themselves and not worry themselves with how others worship. Worship should be about us and God. No one else. Great post. You got me fired up!

Thomas said...

What do I say every week before worship at tribe? Thats right. I would love to see that kind of stuff actually happen. that what small groups are for. Maybe it can be lie clubbing for christians. try it I dare you. start a dance dance revolution.

Anonymous said...

This is a response my pastor e-mailed me, because he was having difficulty posting it. Here it is. Thanks PB!
Say Little Sis,
I love the way you think! You have probably heard me say on more than one occasion that worship needs to be a "full-bodied" experience. As the shepherd of a worshiping body, I recognize why Paul gives a little direction to our worship zeal. He lets us know that corporate worship (quite different from those private expressions of absolute unabashed adoration - like King David expressed as he brought the ark to Jerusalem) really requires an awareness of the others with whom we worship. I think I understand Gina's heart in the "blindfolded worship" idea, but recognize that the minute I make corporate worship a private event, it's no longer corporate. I think it is that very tension between my free will as a worshiper and my desire not to lay down a stumbling block for my brother or sister, that causes us to examine our hearts every time we enter into corporate worship.
Flip side ... I think most worshipers err on the side of semiconscious restraint (emphasis on "self") rather than going overboard. Frankly, I too went home from the karaoke party saying, "Lord, you are worthy of so much more than we give. Free us from ourselves!" PB