06 September 2005

"Give Until it Hurts!!!"

That's what she said Sunday morning. And that is what God has been telling me, but I didn't do it. I gave, sure, but it was only what was comfortable. When will I learn that God didn't say "Come to me so that I may make you comfortable?" And then I came home and looked at my floor and thought look at all those clothes, you don't even wear half of them...give them away. They have NOTHING!!! NOTHING!!! Literally NOTHING! This is not the nothing you say when you look in the fridge and complain that there is "nothing" to eat. This is truly NO THINGS. So, I gave, but I still didn't give until it hurt. God is still teaching me about that. I'm still learning to trust him. I want to give until it hurts, but I'm afraid.
God, When I give, remind me to keep giving, until it hurts, and then give some more. You gave until it hurt, and then gave some more when you sent your Son to die for me. Remind me of this sacrifice daily.
While I'm on the subject I just want to commend the girls in my Bible Study (you know who you are). Sunday afternoon, at about 3 pm, I called them and told them I was collecting clothes to send with a group down to hurricane victims. When they came to Bible Study at 7 that night many of them brought clothes with them. My family donated as well. This morning (Monday), we filled Jana's trunk and entire back seat with clothes to send. Rock on!!!

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